Sassafras Creek | rises in SW Graham County in the Snowbird Mountains and flows NE into Snowbird Creek. |
Sassafras Falls | in Sassafras Creek, SW Graham County. Water drops approx. 70 ft. |
Sassafras Fork | See Stovall. |
Sassafras Fork Township | NE Granville County. |
Sassafras Gap | central Buncombe County E of Buzzard Rock. |
Sassafras Gap | on the Graham-Swain county line between Cheoah Bald and Swim Bald in Nantahala National Forest. Alt. approx. 4,380. |
Sassafras Gap | on Laurel Mountain W of Johnson Knob in NW Henderson County near the Transylvania County line. Alt. approx. 4,060. |
Sassafras Gap | in E Jackson County on Old Bald Ridge. |
Sassafras Gap | on the Jackson-Macon County line. Alt. approx. 4,100. |
Sassafras Gap | SE Macon County between Clear Creek and Queen Mountain. Alt. approx. 2,860. |