Holcombe Cove | the valley through which Moore Creek flows in SW Buncombe County. |
Holden Beach | a section of outer beach in S Brunswick County W of Lockwoods Folly Inlet and E of Big Beach. Approx. 3½ mi. long. A summer resort with cottages is there. |
Holden Cove | valley in central Clay County through which Downing Creek flows. |
Holden Cove | SE Clay County between Big Kitchens and Little Kitchens Ridges. |
Holden's Crossroads | community in E Wilson County N of White Oak Swamp. Named for W. T. Holden, local landowner. |
Holder Branch | rises in W Duplin County and flows SW into Maxwell Creek. |
Holder Creek | rises in NE Mitchell County and flows SE into Charles Creek. |
Holiday Island | approx. 2 mi. long in the Chowan River, NW Chowan County. Formerly about 150 acres, but now only about 40 to 50 acres. Appears on the Collet map, 1770, as Holladay Island. |
Holiday Lake | See Pages Lake. |
Holland | community in S Wake County. Est. 1900. Named for J. C. Holland. Alt. 411. |