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Gladys Hollar - farm life

Gladys Hollar - farm life

Gladys Hollar discusses her grandparents and farm life.

Audio File: 

Gladys Hollar - farm life by LEARN NC



Jacquelyn Hall
Did you see very much of your grandparents then when you were growing up?

Gladys Irene Moser Hollar
Yes, I did. We would visit quite often with them. They raised all kinds of animals and their own pork and beef. They had cattle, chickens, and everything that you have on a farm. And they raised all their food. About the only thing that was bought back then was sugar and coffee, rice, and things you couldn’t raise on the farm. And usually they would exchange eggs and butter and things they had to sell for those things. That’s the way my mother did. I can remember taking a little basket of eggs to the store and getting sugar and coffee, and so happy that there was a couple pennies left over that would get a piece of candy or two. [Laughter]

Jacquelyn Hall
So that wasn’t unusual at all, just to take your eggs to the store?

Gladys Irene Moser Hollar
No. That’s the way we did back then.

Glenn Hollar
That’s the only money you had.

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