Campaign Poster Against Evolution
The debate on evolution began in the 1910s with the increase of fossils and homin bones being found, and the enforcement of Christian teachings in public schools. In 1925, the debate most famously took place in Tennessee's Rhea County Courthouse known as the Scopes Trial. The trial resulted in Scopes, who included evolution in his curriculum was fined $100 and the anti-evolutionists were able to continue to exclude evolution in the classroom.
Clearly Upchurch (1870-1950) was not the only advocate for anti-evolution. William Jennings Bryan was a major supporter for anti-evolution and was part of the Scopes Trial. Six Southern and boarder states such as, Oklahoma and Florida were also opposed to evolution and passed legislation that kept evolution out of public schools.
Transcript for the poster is below the image.
For more on the 1920s evolution debate go to:

[Campaign Poster Against Evolution]. [1926?]. Poster. UNC Chapel Hill: Documenting the American South. (Accessed December 27, 2018).
I May Look Like Him, But I Refuse To Claim Kin
On This I Stand!
J. Sherwood Upchurch
They are Going to Talk About Him in the Next LEGISLATURE
So They Say
For House of Representatives DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY SATURDAY, JUNE 5TH If you will vote for me, in return I will give you action. 14 years member Board of Aldermen; 2 years City Auditor; 3 years in charge of Sanitary Department, City of Raleigh. During the 14 years as Alderman I never cast one vote against the people. I will thank you for your support.
J. Sherwood Upchurch
P.S.—I am positively against the Salary and Slave Commission.
Mitchell Printing Co., Raleigh, N.C.
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