Ho Chi Minh City's City Hall Roof Line Architecture
Built in 1908 stands the Hotel de Ville, which is now the Ho Chi Minh City Hall. The building was modeled after the Hotel de Ville in Paris. A clock and flag tower, which represented the central control and punctuality of the French colonial government, which lasted from 1858-1945. The clock and flag tower are flanked by two steep, Mansard-style tile roof towers and neo-classical statues representing French claims to artistry and high civilization.Today the the flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam now flying above the middle tower.
"City Hall". City Pass Guide. Accessed October 31 2018. https://www.citypassguide.com/en/travel/ho-chi-minh-city/attractions/arc...

Freeman, Margery. [A Close-Up View of Ho Chi Minh City Hall Roof Line Architecture]. Digital Photo. 1997.
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