Discrimination at Long Meadow Farm Dairy Store (1960)
This is a photograph of African American demonstrators carrying signs to protest discrimination and Jim Crow policies at the Long Meadow Farm Dairy Store on West Franklin Street in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (February 1960). This photograph was taken by Roland Giduz, a long-time newspaper reporter and photographer in the Chapel Hill area.
Roland Giduz was born in 1925 and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in journalism in 1948. He worked for newspapers in Durham and Chapel Hill, N.C., was editor of The Chapel Hill News Leader and The News of Orange County. In 1961, he founded The Triangle Pointer. Giduz became manager of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Alumni Review in 1966. He also served on the Chapel Hill Board of Alderman and ran for mayor in 1969. Giduz died in January 2009 in Chapel Hill.
Image used by permission of the North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives at the Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Giduz, Ronald. “Sheet Film 0981: Civil Rights Demonstrators in Front of the Long Meadow Dairy Store, February 1960: Scan 3,” in the Roland Giduz Photographic Collection, 1947-1970, #P0033, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. https://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/dig_nccpa/id/24813/rec/14 (accessed August 6, 2018).
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