American Indian Men Cooking Fish
Hand-colored version of Theodor de Bry's engraving depicting two American Indian men cooking fish. De Bry's engraving, "The Broiling of Their Fish Over the Flame," was originally published as an illustration in Thomas Hariot's 1588 book A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia. Theodor de Bry was a Flemish-born engraver and publisher who based his illustrations for Hariot's book on the New World paintings of colonist John White. These depictions of the landscapes and residents of North Carolina provided Europeans with some of their earliest notions of what the North American continent looked like. An unidentified artist applied the color to this version of de Bry's engraving, apparently without having seen John White's original watercolor painting, "Cooking Fish."

de Bry, Theodor. "The browyllinge of their fishe over the flame,” Engraving after a watercolor of John White. 1577-1590. From A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, 1590. Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, JS84.01.09.
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