"Let the women do the work"
This photograph appeared in Horace Kephart's 1913 book, Our Southern Highlanders with the caption "Let the women do the work." Kephart describes the women as "pretty in youth; but her toil in the house and field, early marriage, frequent child-bearing with shockingly poor attention, and ignorance or defiance of the plainest necessities of hygiene, soon warp and age them."
To find out more about rural North Carolina at the beginning of the twentieth century click these links:
North Carolina Archives and Histor- https://waywelivednc.com/1870-1920/rural-world.htm
For more on Kephart's journey in North Carolina:
Western Carolina University- https://www.wcu.edu/library/digitalcollections/kephart/onlineexhibit/ind...
Kephart, Horace. Our Southern Highlanders. New York: Outing Publishing Company, 1913.

[Let the women do the work] in Our Southern Highlanders. Print. https://books.google.com/books?id=Mk4OAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA264-IA1&source=gbs_s.... (Accessed October 25, 2018)
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Public Domain is a copyright term that is often used when talking about copyright for creative works. Under U.S. copyright law, individual items that are in the public domain are items that are no longer protected by copyright law. This means that you do not need to request permission to re-use, re-publish or even change a copy of the item. Items enter the public domain under U.S. copyright law for a number of reasons: the original copyright may have expired; the item was created by the U.S. Federal Government or other governmental entity that views the things it creates as in the public domain; the work was never protected by copyright for some other reason related to how it was produced (for example, it was a speech that wasn't written down or recorded); or the work doesn't have enough originality to make it eligible for copyright protection.