Buncombe County Turnpike: GIS map
The Buncombe Turnpike through North Carolina’s mountains was built between 1824 and 1828 along the Drovers’ Road, so called, because drovers used the road to lead herds of animals (droves) to market. The Turnpike was an important road until the 1880s, when a railroad was built along the same route. This map shows only the portion of the route.
This map was created by the Madison County 4-H GeoTech Club Map developed by members of the Madison County 4-H GeoTech Club: Nezzie Covington, Anna Farlessyost, Will Farlessyost, AJ Jackson, Sierra Kindley, Cullen Owen, Morgan Owen, Sylas Owen, and Drew Yost.

"Buncombe County Turnpike: GIS map." Map. Madison County 4-H GeoTech Club, 2007. https://visitmadisoncounty.com/drovers-trail-the-road-to-the-market/.
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