Terry Sanford (1917-1998)
Photo of Terry Sanford, who was governor of North Carolina from 1961-1965. Born in 1917 Laurinburg, North Carolina. Sanford's roots in government are in the Federal Bureau of Invesitgation (FBI) and later in the U.S. Army. He then earned a law degree at UNC Chapel Hill in 1946. Sanford continued his military career through the National Guard through 1960, and his law career merged with the government in 1952 when he was elected State Senate. In 1960, Sanford ran for governor.
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Terry Sanford, undated. Photograph. Duke Unviersity Archives. Flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dukeyearlook/3330562485/ (Accessed December 6, 2018).
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