Three irrigation canals pass through rice fields in different stages of growth
Three irrigation canals pass through rice fields in different stages of growth
Three irrigation canals pass through rice fields in different stages of growth. The canals run parallel and vertically through the scene, bordered by low grassy dikes and flanked by rice fields to the left and right. Coconut palms and puffy white cluds are visible in the distance. These canals will move water from uphill fields to downhill fields that are planted to ripen in succession.The tall yellow rice fields at the rear left are nearly ripe for harvest. Their owners have strung strips of white cloth on poles and lines to flap in the wind and serve as scarecrows. Many species of wild birds will feed on ripening rice if it is not guarded by scarecrows or farmer families. Often children and grandparents will take turns guarding vulnerable rice as it ripens and is being harvested from different fields.

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