Woman carries offering for Saraswati day past ceremonial umbrellas and festive poles
Woman carries offering for Saraswati day past ceremonial umbrellas and festive poles
A woman walks past ceremonial umbrellas and festive poles with an offering for Saraswati day balanced on her head. Towering above the two golden silk umbrellas are two tall bamboo poles festooned with palm leaf decorations. Bowls of aesthetically arranged offerings made of foods, leaves, and flowers have been placed on a long table visible in front.One day per year is dedicated to Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning and the consort to the god of creation, Brahma. On the day of Saraswati, no letters or written words should be crossed out or destroyed. Balinese take the day to give thanks to their teachers and their books. Offerings to honor Saraswati are brought by women to local temple festivals.

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