A Mountain View in Maggie Valley, North Carolina
This is a mountain view in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Located in the Blue Ridge area of North Carolina, Maggie Valley is a popular spot for tourists in Haywood County. It is the home of Wheels Through Time, a museum of American cars and motorcycles; Ghost Town in the Sky, a wild-west theme park; and Cataloochee Ski Area, the longest operating ski resort in the southeast.
Maggie Valley was named after Maggie Mae Setzer Plyant (1890-1979). To find out more about Maggie and the history of the valley check out Maggie's biography, Maggie of Maggie Valley, and https://maggievalley.org/maggie-valley-history/ .

Novak, Brooke. Maggie Valley Moonlight Race. August 18, 2007. Digital Photo. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/brookenovak/1174768513/in/photolist-2MNZKx...
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