Charlie and Ollie Allen, Child Laborers
Hine's description, from the Library of Congress: Charlie and Ollie Allen. Been working in Harriet Cotton Mills 2 years. Charlie is probably of age, but Ollie is a violation according to both his brother and life insurance policy which say he is 12 years old now. These statements are based on the parents' statement, which is probably high. He appears to be 10 years old, and has been working 2 years. His father and older brother are in the mill. They have a house full of children, and the sanitary conditions are frightful. Location: Henderson, North Carolina.
The photographer, Lewis W. Hine is best known for his photos of child labor practices, which were produced with the support of the National Child Labor Committee from 1911-1916. He also photographed immigrants at Ellis Island starting in 1904. Hine also took pictures of the effects of World War I in Farance and the Balkans for Red Cross Magazine.
"Lewis Wickes Hine". International Center of Photography. Accessed November 1 2018.

Hines, Lewis. Charlie and Ollie Allen. 1914. Photographic print. Library of Congress: Prints and Photographs Division. (Accessed January 4, 2019).
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