Transcript of a televised editorial
Former Senator, Jesse Helms was once the Executive Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Board of WRAL television in the 1960s. This transcript from the "Viewpoints" editorial program of November 26, 1968 explains the conservative viewpoint of Mr. Helms regarding the appearance of "Black Power" activist Stokely Carmichael at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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Bottom of page two reads: For Bill- This evidently went to all members of the General Assembly. If it is a prelude to another chapter of Speaker Ban in the legislature, the friends of the University will be needing some guide-line ammunition. I realize Jesse is a firebrand, albiet on the far right, but its always wise to be alert & prepared. - Art Jones

Promotional Transcript of a televised "Viewpoint" editorial from Jesse Helms of WRAL-TV. 1968. UNC Chapel Hill: Wilson Library. (Accessed December 6, 2018).
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