Weaving apprentice
This detail of William Hogarth's "Industry and Idleness, Plate 1; The Fellow 'Prentices at their Looms" shows an industrious apprentice weaving while his master looks on from the doorway. The first pioneers and settlers in colonial Carolina did not learn in formal schools as many do today. Through informal learning, most colonial children learned what they needed to know to live: how to grow crops, build and maintain farms, and raise families. Many boys who were not going to become farmers learned other skills through apprenticeships, as this young man at his loom.

Hogarth, William. Industry and Idleness: plate 1 The Fellow 'Prentices at their Looms. 1747. Print. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University Emuseum. https://emuseum.cornell.edu/objects/11976/industry-and-idleness-plate-1-....
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