March on Washington Aerial View of Crowd, 1963
It is estimated about 250,000 protestors went to the march, making the event the largest gathering for civil rights of it's time. Demonstrators came by every possible mode of transportation: car, bus, train, and plane. The march was extremely organized. For example, people coming by bus, plane, or train had to assign someone as a captain who was in charge of keeping count of everyone, communicating the schedule, make sure the passangers will be able to return to their bus, and the health of everyone on board.
"March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom". National Park Service. Last Updated August 10, 2017. Accessed November 16, 2018.
Robinson, Cleveland and Bayard Rustin. Final Plans for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Organizing Manual No 2. 1963. Library of Congress Accessed November 16, 2018.

Trikosko, Marion S., photographer. “[Aerial view of crowd and stage at the March on Washington, 1963.]” Film negative. Washington, D.C.: 1963. From Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. (accessed August 1, 2018).
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