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Monuments (392)
Stone statue in Hanoi of Ho Chi Minh reading to young girl
Stone statue memorial of Communist resistance to Vietnam War at Mai Lai
Stone wall and doorway overgrown by forest at Ta Prohm site at Angkor
Susan Williams Graham Memorial Fountain
Taliaferro's Division Monument
Tank monument and tourists at Reunification Palace in Ho Chi Minh City
The Battle of Averasboro Union Soldiers Memorial
The Championship Tree
The Gift
The Raleigh Colony/Virginia Dare Monument
The Ram Statue
The Regulator Monument
The Roanoke Voyages
The Scientist and Nature (Duke Camel)
The Student Body
Thomas Godfrey Memorial
Thomas Lloyd Marker
Thomas Ruffin Monument
Thomas Wolfe Monument
Three men including two Buddhist monks seen through doorway at Angkor Wat
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