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Freeman, Margery
Freeman, Margery
Evening in Nayathanti
Evening view of fishing boat and small rocky islands in Halong Bay
Exterior corner view of Hawaii Hotel in downtown Phnon Penh
Face on top of south gate tower of Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom
Face tower with broken lintel over stone doorway at Ta Prohm
Fallen motocycle and cargo on the road from Dalat to Ho Chi Minh City
Family members bathe and do laundry at stream embankment
Farmer in his field
Farmer in pink jacket, shorts, and conical hat picks rice seedlings to transplant
Farmer in rice field applies nitrogen fertilizer carried in a green pail
Farmer leans over and washes his feet after long day working wet-rice fields
Farmer transplants rice seedlings by hand into flooded field
Farmland in Ecuador
Farmland near Otavalo, Ecuador
Father and child in Guanajuato, Mexico
Feet on the move in a western mountain trail in Nepal
Female Balinese dancer holding open red fan moves behind kettle gong instrument
Female Balinese dancer with arms up appears behind carved figures on instrument
Ferry boats in the harbor at Bai Chay bordered by beach and mountains
Ferry on Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico
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