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NCpedia Educational & Fun Activities


Plot Hound Coloring Page  NC Fun Stories Origami BookNorth Carolina Facts and Fun wordplay. Picture of Blackbeard. Link to NCpedia Quizzes.

North Carolina Coloring Pages -- For Kids of All Ages

North Carolina 100 Counties Coloring page

North Carolina 100 Counties Activity Page (blank, fill in counties)

State Symbols Coloring Pages (pages have educational text related to NC state symbols and a line drawing to color; suggested grades K-6)

State Aviation Hall of Fame and State Aviation Museums

State Berries: Strawberry and Blueberry

State Beverage: Milk

State Bird: Cardinal (simple illustration)

State Bird: Cardinal (advanced illustration)

State Carnivorous Plant: Venus Flytrap

State Christmas Tree: Fraser Fir (simple illustration)

State Christmas Tree: Fraser Fir (advanced illustration)

State Boat: Shad Boat

State Butterfly: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

State Dog: Plott Hound

State Horse: Colonial Spanish Mustang

State Insect: Honey Bee

State Mammal: Gray Squirrel

State Marsupial: Virginia Possum

State Reptile: Eastern Box Turtle

State Tree: Pine Tree

State Festival Coloring Pages (pages have educational text related to NC state festivals and a line drawing to color; suggested grades K-6)

Collard Festival of North Carolina: Ayden Collard Festival

Food Festival of the North Carolina Piedmont Triad: Lexington Barbecue Festival

Herring Festival of North Carolina: Herring Festival of Jamesville

International Festival of North Carolina: Folkmoot, USA

Irish Potato Festival of North Carolina: North Carolina Potato Festival

Livermush Festivals of North Carolina: Shelby Livermush Festival and Marion Livermush Festival

Mullet Festival - Swansboro Mullet Festival

Peanut Festival - Dublin Peanut Festival

Shad Festival of North Carolina: Grifton Shad Festiva​l

Educational Activity Sheets

The following sheets include text content, historical artifact or primary source, and a line drawing. Suggested grades 4 to 8.

Black Wall Street: Business is Booming

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Marching to the Beat of Freedom​

Transportation in NC: A Brief History of Getting Around

Farming and Agriculture in NC: A History of Working in the Field

Rural Life in North Carolina 1800 to 1900: Some things change and some stay the same

Social Game Changer: The Automobile

The following sheets include images and spelling, matching, counting, or word activities. Suggested grades K to 2.

North Carolina State Symbols Spelling: Fill in the Missing Vowels

North Carolina State Symbols Counting Cards

How Many North Carolina State Symbols?

North Carolina State Symbol Color Matching

North Carolina State Symbol Word Matching
