Cape Hatteras Light Station
Cape Hatteras Light Station in its original location. The lighthouse was moved in 1999 to protect it from beach erosion. The lighthouse was built in 1799 (finished in 1803) and was used to warn sailors of the Diamond Shoals. Over the last 300 plus years there has been changes to the light house. For example, inn 1853 the lighthouse gained 60 feet. Seventeen years later the 1799 lighthouse was demolished and a new one was built. The 1870 lighthouse is the lighthouse we know today with its famous stripes painted three years after its construction.
To find out more about Cape Hatteras' Light Station go to:

Margolies, John. Lighthouse, Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. 1985. Photograph. Library of Congress: Prints and Photographs Division. (Accessed December 31, 2018).
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