Red and white flag of Indonesia flies from flagpole
Red and white flag of Indonesia flies from flagpole
The red and white flag of Indonesia flies from a flagpole, as seen from below.The national flag of the Republic of Indonesia is half red, on top, and half white, on the bottom. It is flown prominantly at schools and government buildings. The flag sometimes is referred to by Indonesians as "the red-and-white."The Indonesian nation was born at the end of World War II, on August 17, 1945, when residents of the former "Dutch East Indies" (or "Netherlands East Indies") proclaimed that they would now rule themselves. The country's borders are an artifact of the former Dutch colony. The Netherlands (or Holland) took control of the more than 13,000-island archipelago initially through the enterprises of their aggressive transnational trading company, the Dutch East India Company, in the 1600s.

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