Tarahumara Indians on top of Copper Canyon, Mexico
Tarahumara Indians on top of Copper Canyon, Mexico
A mother holds a baby while a small child looks on. The trio are wearing colorful head scarves and long skirts. The mother is seated on a large rock near the edge of a large canyon. The Tarahumara Indians make up a large community in northern Mexico that continue to practice traditional ways of life. The community is well-known for producing long-distance runners and endurance races are incorporated into both work and play in Tarahumara culture.Copper Canyon is a large system of canyons in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. While the Copper Canyon system is larger than the Grand Canyon in the United States, the Mexican canyon consists of a series of small canyons instead of one large canyon. Numerous small Indian communities live on the boundaries of the canyon and continue practicing traditional ways of life.

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