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This article is from the Encyclopedia of North Carolina edited by William S. Powell. Copyright © 2006 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the publisher. For personal use and not for further distribution. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher.

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Exploration, European

by John Hairr, 2006

See also: Amadas and Barlowe Expedition; De Soto Expedition; Lederer Expedition; Lost Colony; Pardo Expeditions; Roanoke Voyages; Verrazano Expedition.

Part 1: Introduction; Part 2: Initial European Expeditions; Part 3: Sir Walter Raleigh and the Arrival of the English; Part 4: Seventeenth-Century Explorers; Part 5: References

Part 5: References

Alan V. Briceland, Westward from Virginia: The Exploration of the Virginia-Carolina Frontier, 1650-1710 (1987).

David Corbitt, ed., Explorations, Descriptions, and Attempted Settlements of Carolina, 1584-1590 (1953).

Ivor Noel Hume, The Virginia Adventure, Roanoke to Jamestown: An Archaeological and Historical Odyssey (1994).

William S. Powell, "Carolana and the Incomparable Roanoke: Explorations and Attempted Settlements, 1620-1663," NCHR 51 (January 1974).

David B. Quinn, England and the Discovery of America, 1481-1620 (1974).

L. A. Vigneras, "A Spanish Discovery of North Carolina in 1566," NCHR 46 (Autumn 1969).

