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War (217)
New Bern, Battle of
New Garden, Battle of
New River, Battle of
Nooherooka: Site of decisive battle of the Tuscarora War, March 20-23, 1713
North Carolina in WWI: An introduction
North Carolina Shipbuilding Company (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
North Carolina State Veterans Day Parade: Town of Warsaw
North Carolina, CSS
Old Hickory Division
Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail
Parson, Donald
Peace Movement (Civil War) - Part 1: Introduction
Peace Movement (Civil War) - Part 2: Initial Demonstrations for Peace
Peace Movement (Civil War) - Part 3: The Peace Party, William W. Holden, and the Election of 1864
Peace Movement (Civil War) - Part 4: The Final Defeat of the Peace Movement
Peace Movement (Civil War) - Part 5: References
Pemisapan (Wingina)
Persian Gulf War
Plymouth, Battle of
Potecasi Creek, Battle of
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