Bacon, Henry, Jr.
by Wrenn, Tony P. Henry Bacon, Jr., architect of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., was born in Watseka, Ill., one of seven children of Henry (1822–91) and Elizabeth (1831–1912) Bacon of Massachusetts. Henry [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Bauer, Adolphus Gustavus
by Crabtree, Beth G., Smythe, Andrea. Bauer, Adolphus Gustavus
by Beth Crabtree, 1979; Revised by Andrea Smythe, SLNC Government and Heritage Library, December 2023
December 4, 1858–May 14, 1898
See also: Bauer, [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Bauer, Rachael Blythe
by Smythe, Andrea. Bauer, Rachael Blythe
by Andrea Smythe, September 2023
May 15, 1870 – January 9, 1897
See also: Bauer, Adolphus Gustavus
Rachael Blythe Bauer, stenographer and [...] (from Government & Heritage Library, State Library of North Carolina.)
Bell, William
by Webb, Mena F. Bell, William
by Mena F. Webb, 1979
28 Oct. 1783–17 Sept. 1867
William Bell, architect and builder of the U.S. Arsenal at Fayetteville, was born in Aberdour, Fifeshire, Scotland. The names [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Berry, John
by Engstrom, Mary Claire. John Berry, self-taught builder-architect and Orange County politician, was born near Hillsborough, the son of John Berry, Sr., and Rhoda (Rosanna?) (Whitted?) Berry. According to family tradition, [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Coor, James
by Carraway, Gertrude S. James Coor was a naval architect, builder, revolutionary leader, and enslaver. He was probably born in England but apparently moved to North Carolina from the Eastern Shore of Maryland to serve [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Cosby, Dabney
by Little-Stokes, Ruth. Dabney Cosby, architect and builder, who flourished in Virginia and North Carolina from the 1820s to his death, was born in Virginia. He resided in Raleigh from about 1840 until his death, and he is [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Davis, Alexander Jackson
by Allcott, J. V. Alexander Jackson Davis, American architect, designed a number of buildings in North Carolina between the 1830s and the Civil War, thus bringing the state into the mainstream of Romantic architecture [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
El Capitolio
by . Extraído de Libro de hechos de El Viejo Estado del Norte. La propiedad literaria 2011 por la Oficina de Archivos e Historia de Carolina del Norte, Departamento de Recursos Culturale de [...] (from NC Office of Archives and History.)
Ellington, Douglas D.
by Turberg, Edward F. Douglas D. Ellington, architect, was born in Clayton, the eldest of three sons of Jesse and Sallie Williamson Ellington. His father was from Clayton and his mother from Suffolk, Va. Educated at [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Ellington, Kenneth Raynor
by Stephens, George M. Kenneth Raynor Ellington, partner in architectural firm, was born in Clayton, the son of Jesse and Sallie Williamson Ellington. In 1914 he received the LL.B. degree from The University of North [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Flannagan, Eric Goodyear
by Flannagan, Clara H. R. Eric Goodyear Flannagan, architect and engineer, was born in Albemarle County, Va., of Irish, Dutch, and English ancestry. His father was Broadus Flannagan, son of Benjamin Collins and Ann Virginia [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Freelon, Philip Goodwin
by Bond, Mattison. Freelon, Philip Goodwin
By Mattison Bond, June 2023
March 26, 1953- July 9, 2019
Philip Freelon was an American architect. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Elizabeth Neal Freelon [...] (from ANCHOR: A North Carolina History Online Resource.)
Fremont (née Fish), Sewall Lawrence
by Grant, Dorothy F. Fremont (née Fish), Sewall Lawrence
by Dorothy Fremont Grant, 1986
30 Aug. 1816–1 May 1886
Sewall Lawrence Fremont (née Fish), army officer, chief engineer, and superintendent of the [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Garibaldi, Angelo
by Smith, Claiborne T., Jr. Angelo Garibaldi, steamboat captain and shipbuilder, was born in Italy of unknown parentage. He is said to have come to Baltimore as a boy with an uncle. On the death of this relative, young [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Hawks, John
by Carraway, Gertrude S. John Hawks, architect, contractor and accountant, and the supervising architect (1767–70) of Tryon Palace at New Bern, was born in Lincolnshire, England. Trained under Stiff Leadbeater of Eton, who [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Hicks, William Jackson
by Rigsbee, John Leonard. William Jackson Hicks, farmer, machinist, carpenter, industrialist, and architect, was born in Spottsylvania County, Va., the son of Martin (1789–1848[?]) and Nancy Pendleton Hicks (d. 1830), [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Holt, Jacob W.
by Bishir, Catherine W. Jacob W. Holt, contractor, architect, and builder, the oldest son of David and Elizabeth ("Betsy") McGehee Holt, was born in Prince Edward County, Va. When he was still quite young his mother died [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Lemly, Samuel
by Brawley, James S. Lemly, Samuel
by James S. Brawley, 1991; Revised by SLNC Government and Heritage Library, December 2022
1 Mar. 1791–14 Jan. 1848
Samuel Lemly, builder and architect, was prominent in Rowan [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Marshall, Frederic William
by Armstrong, Cynthia Grant. Marshall, Frederic William
by Cynthia Grant Armstrong, 1991
5 Feb. 1721–11 Feb. 1802
Frederic William Marshall, senior civilis of the Moravian church, oeconomus (chief administrator) of the [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
McBee, Silas
by Stokes, Allen H., Jr. McBee, Silas
by Allen H. Stokes, Jr., 1991
14 Nov. 1853–3 Sept. 1924
See also: Vardry McBee; Vardry Alexander McBee
Silas McBee, editor, architect, and educator, was born in Lincolnton of [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Milburn, Frank Pierce
by Wodehouse, Lawrence. Frank Pierce Milburn, architect and designer of numerous structures in most states south of the Mason-Dixon Line, was born in Bowling Green, Ky. His father, Thomas Thurmond Milburn, was a building [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Nash, Arthur Cleveland
by Caldwell, Martha B. Arthur Cleveland Nash, architect, was born in Geneva, N.Y., where his father, Francis Philip Nash, was a professor of romance languages at Hobart College. His mother, Katharine Cleveland Coxe Nash, [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Nichols, William
by Sanders, John L. William Nichols, architect and builder, was born in Bath, County Somerset, England, and probably received his early training in England. Arriving in North Carolina in 1800, he was a resident of New [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
North Carolina Freedom Park
by Bond, Mattison. The North Carolina Freedom Park is located in downtown Raleigh on the corner of Wilmington and Lane Streets, behind the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources’ Archives and History/State [...] (from ANCHOR: A North Carolina History Online Resource.)
Nowicki, Matthew
by Powell, William S. Nowicki, Matthew
by William S. Powell, 1991
26 June 1910–31 Aug. 1950
Matthew Nowicki, architect and teacher, was born in Chita, Russia, the son of Zygmunt [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Paton, David
by Sanders, John L. David Paton, architect, the third of twelve children of John (1772–1842) and Elenor Roper Paton, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He attended the University of Edinburgh (1820–24) and was trained as [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Percival, William
by Wodehouse, Lawrence, Bushong, William B. William Percival, architect and civil engineer, was said to have been a British army officer who retired with the rank of cornet. According to his advertisements he had professional architectural [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Post, James Francis
by Mceachern, Leora Hiatt. Post, James Francis
by Leora Hiatt McEachern, 1994
24 Feb. 1851–5 Jan. [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Reuter, Philip Christian Gottlieb
by Hinman, William. Philip Christian Gottlieb Reuter, Moravian surveyor, architect, and forester, was born in Steinbach, Germany, and lived a difficult childhood as the son of Dr. Johann Marsilius Reuter—a once-wealthy [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Simpson, Herbert Woodley
by Seapker, Janet K. Herbert Woodley Simpson, architect, was born in New Bern, the son of John Archibald, a builder and undertaker, and Mary Elizabeth Higgins Simpson. No information has been discovered about Simpson's [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Sloan, Samuel
by Schalck, Harry. Sloan, Samuel
by Harry Schalck, 1994
7 Mar. 1815–19 July 1884
Samuel Sloan, architect and publisher, was born in Honeybrook Township, Chester County, Pa., the son of William and Mary [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Swaim, Lyndon
by Whatley, L. McKay. Lyndon Swaim, printer, newspaperman, and architect, was the oldest of eleven children. His father, Moses (31 Dec. 1788–25 Apr. 1870), married Adah Swindell (17 Apr. 1791–2 May 1866) of Hyde County on [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Town, Ithiel
by Bivins, Caroline Holmes. Ithiel Town, architect, was born in Thompson, Conn., to Archelaus and Martha Johnson Town. An ancestor was William Towne, who was in Salem, Mass., as early as 1640. Archelaus, a farmer, died when [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Underwood, Norman
by Roberts, B. W. C. Underwood, Norman
by B. W. C. Roberts, 1996
2 Sept. 1862–17 June [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Viewing all 35 articles.