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Exploring North Carolina: American Indian History

Photograph of handmade basket, made by Rachel Tooni, ca. 1973-1980, Qualla Arts and Crafts Board. Item H.2008.5.1 from the North Carolina Museum of History. Used courtesy of the North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources. This page gathers resources in NCpedia that broadly cover the history and heritage of the Native American tribes in North Carolina. It does not include all resources in NCpedia but rather a selection that covers important topics and events, including: background articles; cultural heritage; biographies; historical and contemporary events; politics and law; historical and contemporary places; and others. This page will be updated as articles are added to NCpedia.

All NCpedia articles related to Native Americans

General History and Background Articles

Current Tribes

Tribal Histories

Tradition, Culture & Medicine





Recognition and Civil Rights

Historical Events

Archaeology and Settlement



Native Americans: General History and Background

North Carolina tribes at the time of European contact. Click here for link to article and larger view.American Indian Tribes in North Carolina

American Indians - Part 2: Before European contact

American Indians - Part 3: European contact to the era of removal

American Indians - Part 4: Sovereignty and cultural identity

American Indians - Part 5: Today

American Indians at European Contact

American Indians in Antebellum NC

American Indians in WWII

Great Trading Path

Native American Settlement of NC

Natural History of North-Carolina

Settlement of the Mountains, 1775-1838 (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)

Settlement of the Coastal Plain

Settlement Patterns

General Demographics

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Current American Indian Tribes (links to tribal websites)

Coharie Tribe

Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation

Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe

Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina

Meherrin Indian Tribe

Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation


Waccamaw Siouan Tribe

American Indian and Tribal Histories (links to NCpedia articles)

Bear River Indians

Cape Fear Indians

Catawba Indians


Chowanoac Indians

Coharie Indians and Coharie Tribe

Coree Indians


Croatoan Indians

Eno Indians

Haliwa Indians and Haliwa-Saponi Tribe

Keyauwee Indians

Lumbee Indians - Part 1: Introduction (multi-part)

Mattamuskeet Indians

Meherrin Indians; Meherrin: People of the Water

Occaneechi Indians

Pamlico Indians

Pasquotank Indians

Sappony Indians

Shakori Indians

Sissipahaw Indians

Tuscarora Indians

Waccamaw Indians

Weapemeoc Indians


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Tradition, Culture & Medicine

American Indian Food

American Indian Storytelling

Basket Making

Burial Customs


Cherokee Indians - Part 7: Modern-day life and culture

Cherokee language


Indian Cabinetmakers in Piedmont North Carolina

Lumbee Indians - Part 6: Language and culture

Medicine Shows

Museum of the Cherokee Indian

Pine Needle Art

Shell Mounds


Carolina Indian Voice



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American Indian Storytelling

North Carolina Legends & Myths: The “Three Sisters”


American Indian Churches in Eastern NC


Cherokee Botanical Garden

Indian Museum of the Carolinas

Indian Trading Paths

Great Trading Path

Judaculla Rock

Museum of the Cherokee Indian

Nooherooka: Site of decisive battle of the Tuscarora War, March 20-23, 1713

Oconaluftee Indian Village

Paint Rock

Salt Licks

Town Creek Indian Mound

Trading Ford

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Blunt (or Blount), Tom

Crowell, John


George, Charles

Hagler (Arataswa or Oroloswa)

Hubbard, Jeremiah


Inventors, North Carolina

Jacobs, Priscilla Freeman (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)

Long Lance, Buffalo Child

Lowry Band

Ross, John

Smith, Nimrod Jarrett


Thomas, William Holland

Thorpe, James Francis

Thomas's Legion


Ward, Nancy (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)

Warriors of AniKituhwa

Yonaguska (or Drowning Bear)

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Recognition & Civil Rights

Cherokee Indians - Part 6: Federal recognition and the fight for Cherokee rights

Lumbee Indians - Part 4: Education, Civil Rights, Self-Governance

Lumbee Indians - Part 5: Fight for federal recognition

Lumbee Indians Face the Ku Klux Klan, 1958

North Carolina recognizes Lumbee

School Desegregation

Carolina Indian Voice

Historical Events

Augusta Conference

Cherokee Indians - Part 5: Trail of Tears and the creation of the Eastern Band of Cherokees

Contemporary Powwows

Deep Creek, Battle of

Etchoe, Battle of

French and Indian War

Indian Removal

Lowry War

Lumbee Indians Face the Ku Klux Klan, 1958

Medicine Shows

Proclamation of 1763

Thomas's Legion

The Trail of Tears and the Creation of the Eastern Band of Cherokees

Yamassee War

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Archaeology & Settlement

Archaeology of Early NC

Archaeology Part 1: Archaeological Research in the Coastal Plain

Archaeology Part 2: Discoveries of the North Carolina Piedmont


American Indian Education

Learning among the Lumbee (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)

Lumbee Indians - Part 4: Education, Civil Rights, Self-Governance

University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Carolina Indian Voice


Commission of Indian Affairs

NC Commission of Indian Affairs

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Educator Resources:

American Indian Education: Culturally Responsive Instructional Resources. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Lesson plans for American Indian history. CarolinaK12.

Activity guides for American Indian history. CarolinaK12.

Educational Video. North Carolina Museum of History. American Indians in North Carolina.  YouTube. 2015.


National Congress of American Indians. "Tribal Nations of the United States: An Introduction." [includes basic overview of history, timelines, contemporary information and statistics]

Native Land Digital. Map and resources for searching native tribal lands in North America.

Carapell, Aaron. Map of Tribal Nations Before First Contact.

North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs.

American Indian Center, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Native American Resource Center, UNC-Pembroke.

National Indian Education Association.

National Geographic. "Native Americans." [Educational resources]

National Museum of the American Indian.

National Museum of the American Indian, Native Knowledge 360.

National Museum of the American Indian. "Indivisible: African-Native American Lives in the Americas."

Additional resources, websites and bibliography: North Carolina Museum of History.

Image Credit:

Tooni, Rachel. [Handmade basket, made ca. 1973-1980]. Photograph.  Item H.2008.5.1 from the North Carolina Museum of History. Used courtesy of the North Carolina Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources. 

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